This is the manual for the command-line scape_tool
program that is
distributed with DIRSIG and can be used to generate polygon meshes for
terrains from a variety of input raster and point elevation datasets.
This tool is primarily derived from code developed at Carnegie Mellon
University (CMU) in the late 1990s. Mike Garland released the source
code for a program named scape
as a demonstration of the algorithms
(and the implementation of those algorithms) described in the paper
"Fast Polygonal Approximation of Terrains and Height Fields" written by
himself and Paul Heckbert. CMU maintains the original
website for all this
work, including softcopy versions of the paper and the original scape
The original tool focused on producing a triangular irregular network (TIN), which is a polygon mesh of triangles with irregularly spaced vertexes. This irregularity allows the mesh vertex density to be denser where there is more structure that needs to be represented by closer points to capture stronger vertical gradients. The general algorithm for producing a TIN involves evaluating the current mesh and choosing a location to insert a new vertex that cuts an existing triangle into two or more new triangles. There are multiple algorithms for choosing where to insert a new vertex. The original tool included a standard Delaunay triangulation algorithm, but it also introduced a set of "data dependent" algorithms. These alternate algorithms would insert a new vertex in an attempt to minimize mesh fit metrics such as height or slope errors.
The scape_tool
described here is simply an enhanced version of the original
code written by Garland. These enhancements include the following additions:
The program originally supported only input raster datasets using the STM format.
The program now supports ENVI image files as input using any datatype (although the core algorithm and data structures operate on 16-bit data, so 32-bit and floating point elevation data is scaled into 16-bits).
The program also supports irregularly spaced ASCII/Text point data. This allows point data from ladar systems to be used to create terrain meshes.
The program originally supported only output polygon meshes using a simple, non-standard format.
The code now writes to the commonly supported Alias/Wavefront OBJ file.
Useful Supporting Tools
The following additional tools are useful when working on converting from point or raster elevation data to facetized terrains:
The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) toolbox. GDAL is not only a library of useful functions for geospatial data manipulation, but also a toolbox of useful command-line tools for manipulating and converting georeferenced raster and vector data in commonly used formats.
The Meshlab tool is a graphical tool for processing and editing of facetized object data. It has decent support for importing common 3D mesh data formats, it has an expansive library of tools to process (filter, convert, etc.) loaded data, and it can save to the Alias/Wavefront OBJ file format, which is the most commonly used format for importing 3D geometry into a DIRSIG scene.
The DIRSIG object_tool utility is a command-line tool that can be used to perform an number of common operations on facetized object data.
Usage and Options
The options for the tool can found by running the command without any options:
$ scape_tool
usage: scape_tool [input options] --obj_filename=<filename>
To specify the maximum number of points to add:
To use an STM format input file:
To use an ENVI image format input file:
To use an ASCII/Text XYZ format input file:
To specify the input coordinate frame for an XYZ file:
--xyz_frame=<scene,geodetic> (default is 'scene')
To specify the size for a gridded XYZ file:
To specify the image GSD or sampling to regularize XYZ data:
To UV texture coordinates to facets:
To specify the material label for the facets:
Maximum Vertexes
The primary variable impacting the output of the facet mesh is the
number of vertexes inserted into it. The minimum number is 4
resulting in a pair of triangular facets that span the area. Any
number greater than 4
results in additional vertexes and triangles
that use them. The maximum number of vertexes that can be used is
equal to the number of elements in the raster grid or internally
generated grid when using XYZ data. Hence, requesting more than
x M
vertexes when the grid is N x M is overkill. Ideally,
the triangulation will find that there are constant slope areas
that can be represented by larger facets, and reduce the total
number of facets required to represent the surface. Hence, the
user should specify a number less than the number of elements
in the grid.
The default value is equal to the size of the grid.
Input File Options
The tool supports different input file formats via different options:
Use a binary, raster STM file as the input.
Use a binary, raster ENVI file as the input.
Use an ASCII/Text, point cloud file as the input. Each line constrains a space-delimited triplet of non-uniformly spaced XYZ values.
General Options
The following options can be used with any of the input data options:
The output OBJ file will include a simple 2D UV coordinate system that spans the XY bounding box (min/max) of the terrain.
The output OBJ file will assign the supplied alpha-numeric ID (label) to all the facets in the terrrain.
XYZ Specific Options
The following options are specifically used when XYZ point data is
used as input (the --xyz_filename
option). The XYZ input data
can be either irregularly sampled (for example, raw data from a
scanning lidar that has not been snapped to a grid) or regularly
sampled (for example, data that was created by converting a raster
elevation map (e.g., a DEM, DTED, etc.) to XYZ values). When
irregularly spaced points are provided, the data will be binned
into an internal grid for triangulation. In this case, the --gsd
option is used to define the size of the grid cells in meters
(assuming the input points are also in meters). When regularly
space data is provied, use the --xy_size
option to specifiy the
dimensions of the grid the data came from.
If the input XYZ triplets are lat/lon/alt triplets (degrees), then this option must be specified with the
value so that the data can be projected into a Scene ENU coordinate system. This will result in a facet mesh that captures the curvature of the Earth. The default for this option isscene
, which assumes the input data is already in the Scene ENU coordinate system. --xy_size
(for regularly spaced points)-
If the XYZ data was derived from gridded data (i.e., converted from a raster elevation model), then use this option to specify the dimensions of that original grid. When using this option the input data is assumed to row-major order.
(for irregularly spaced points)-
The grid is sized to span the data and the ground sampling distance (GSD) of the grid is automatically chosen as 1/sqrt(avg_point_density). If you want to override that sampling in the internal grid, use this option.
Common Workflows
This section outlines workflows using a series of tools to convert common data formats into a terrain mesh.
Using a ASCII/Text Point Cloud
A common usage is to create a terrain mesh from a point cloud produced from airborne LIDAR or digital photogrammetry, structure from motion, etc. image-based workflows.
In this case, we have the point cloud as an ASCII/Text file formatted as space-delimited, XYZ triplets with each triplet (point) on a unique line:
$ scape_tool --max_vertexes=100000 --gsd=1 --mat_label=terrain --obj_filename=terrain.obj
# Input XYZ Filename =
# Input XYZ Frame = scene
# Output OBJ Filename = terrain.obj
# Maximum number of vertexes = 100000
# Using Delaunay triangulation
# XYZ File:
# Point count = 32577754
# X range = -122.012 - 122.012
# Y range = -124.428 - 124.428
# Z range = -38.403 - 4.334
# Scene size = 244.024 x 248.856 x 42.737
# Scene area = 60726.837 m^2
# Point density = 536.464 points/m^2
# GSD = 1.000 meters/element (user-supplied)
# Grid size = 245 x 249
# Number of grid elements = 61005
# Number of used grid elements = 56786
# Number of unused grid elements = 4219
# Percentage of used elements = 93.084%
# Average number of points in grid elements = 573.693
# 4219 elements ignored in input height field
# no more candidates
Using Maximum Vertexes
In this case, we set the --max_vertexes
to 100000
and the --gsd
to 1.0
meters. This resulted in a 245 x 249 grid to span the
scene or 61,005 grid elements. Since 100000 > 61005, a vertex is
eventually added at every single point in the grid (with ~39000 to
spare). Hence, the program finishes with the message:
# no more candidates
![]() |
The message 4219 elements ignored in input height field indicates
that some elements in the grid contained no data. This commonly
occurs because the grid is axis-aligned to the bounding box of the
data but there might not be data that spans the entire area of the
The point of a TIN mesh is to use fewer facets to represent the
terrain than brute force adding a vertex for every element in the
grid. This is achieved by recognizing that some regions of the
mesh will be constant slope and can be represented by larger facets
that span grid elements. If we repeat the run above but with
(where 50000 < 61005), then the algorithm
will eventually run out of vertexes to insert and the program
finishes with the message:
# Used all 50000 vertexes!
Using GSD
In the example above, the GSD for the internally constructed grid
was specified at 1.0
meters via the --gsd
option. If this option
is not supplied then the tool will automatically compute a value using
the average point density:
# XYZ File: # Point count = 32577754 # X range = -122.012 - 122.012 # Y range = -124.428 - 124.428 # Z range = -38.403 - 4.334 # Scene size = 244.024 x 248.856 x 42.737 # Scene area = 60726.837 m^2 # Point density = 536.464 points/m^2 # GSD = 0.043 meters/element (computed) # Grid size = 5653 x 5764 # Number of grid elements = 32583892 # Number of used grid elements = 8775220 # Number of unused grid elements = 23808672 # Percentage of used elements = 26.931% # Average number of points in grid elements = 3.712
The input point cloud in this case is very non-uniform. Due to
a lot of vertical structures in the scene, there are regions with
a large number of points distributed vertically and regions that
are sparsely sampled horizontally. As a result, the average point
density is a poor estimate of the actual point uniformity and,
hence, a bad metric to use to automatically compute the GSD. What
we notice in this run is that a small fraction (26%) of the grid
elements contain data compared to the 93% fraction from the run
with a user-supplied GSD of 1.0
(where 1.0
>> 0.043
). Although
heavily influenced by the unique uniformity characteristics of any
given point cloud, it is recommended that the the grid contain > 95%
used elements.
Using a GeoTIFF or DTED input DEM
It is common for a DEM to stored in a GeoTIFF image container. The workflow for importing a GeoTIFF DEM is as follows:
Convert the GeoTIFF or DTED to Point Data
The first step is to convert the GeoTIFF or DTED raster data file to an
ASCII/Text XYZ file using the gdal_translate
tool from GDAL:
$ gdal_translate n40_w089_1arc_v2.tif -of XYZ
$ gdal_translate n40_w089_1arc_v2.dt2 -of XYZ
The output file consists of 3 columns: +W longitude (degrees), +N latitude (degrees) and altitude (meters).
Get the Dimensions of the Data
Since we are converting a raster data source to XYZ points, we will want
the dimensions of the original raster data to give to scape_tool
We can use the gdalinfo
tool to get this info:
$ gdalinfo n40_w089_1arc_v2 Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: n40_w089_1arc_v2 Size is 9169, 13489 ... [additional output deleted for documentation purposes] ...
From this we can see the original raster elevation model is 9169 x 13489.
Generate a TIN from the Point Data
The next step is to generate a triangular irregular network (TIN) from
the XYZ point data using the scape_tool
included with DIRSIG:
$ scape_tool --xyz_frame=geodetic \
--xy_size=9169,13489 --obj_filename=n40_w089_1arc_v2.obj
The --xyz_frame
option tells the tool that the input XYZ data is
in geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude). The
tool will then convert it from this absolute coordinate system to
a scene ENU coordinate system. In addition to handling the horizontal
conversion, it will correctly introduce the curvature of the earth
as geoid relative altitudes are converted to the Cartesian altitudes
of the Scene ENU coordinate system. Since the XYZ point data is
already gridded (it came from a raster image) the --xy_size
was included with the previously found dimensions of the raster
image data.
Optional Post-Processing
This section outlines some optional post-processing steps that might be performed depending on the needs of the user.
Adding Vertex Normals
Vertex normals are normal vectors associated with the vertexes shared by facets rather than associated with the facets themselves. When present, the normal across a facet is interpolated (based on position within the facet) from the normal at the vertexes defining the facet. This interpolation has the effect of smoothing the surface without adding additional (finer resolution) geometry.
There are several options for adding vertex normals, but the easiest is to use the object_tool utility included with DIRSIG:
$ object_tool --input_filename=terrain.obj --addvertexnormals --output_filename=terrain_vn.obj
An alternative is to use the free and open-source tool Meshlab. The advantage of using Meshlab is you get a 3D render of the terrain mesh and can visualize the impacts of using the vertex normals:
Select File → Import Mesh to import the OBJ file produced in the last step.
Run the Filters → Normals, Curvature and Orientation → Compute Vertex * Normals tool
This will add vertex normals for a smoother appearing terrain.
Select File → Export Mesh to export the mesh back to the OBJ file.