Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation

General Information

The DIRSIG team is willing to coordinate training sessions near an organization’s location if the organization has at least 8 people ready to enroll in the course. This document describes the process of coordinating this type of training session.

While this type of training session will be coordinated for a specific organization, the session will be open for enrollment by people from other organizations.

Setting up a Dedicated Training Session

To set up a dedicated training session for your company/organization, the following steps will be followed in sequence:

  1. Notify the DIRSIG Team that you have at least 8 people ready for training

  2. The DIRSIG Team will generate a contract to train 8 people. This is a bulk purchase that covers the registration fee for 8 people

  3. The contract is paid and processed

  4. The DIRSIG Team will coordinate with you to ensure the training dates and location work for everybody. The session will be scheduled at least 1 month in the future to allow time for preparation and give others time to enroll

  5. The training session will be posted on the DIRSIG Training website

  6. The individuals being trained will register for the session. The contract will cover the first 8 people. Any additional people can also sign up through the website

  7. Additional information and announcements will be sent to all who registered 1-2 weeks before the training session start date


Can our session be closed from public enrollment?

No, we do not offer private training sessions. The DIRSIG Basic Training course is called "Basic Training" because the course covers the basics of using DIRSIG. The entire 3 day course is full of this basic material. Additional time for discussing with your organization can be acquired through a separate contract and in most cases would be more efficient/useful after the newly trained users have attempted to address their use cases themselves. More information about setting up a separate contract can be found on the DIRS Enterprise Center website.